Friday, July 16, 2010

Neighborshood Ghost? Are you kidding me?!?

Ok, I just got a call on my cell yesterday. I wish that I could send it to this blog, dang my cellphone! I just got some new neighbors about three house across from me. I guess I will have to put them on my ghost map in the neighborhood ghost watch too.
They called me about that they even saw a AKA ghost farmer man in my backyard on Tuesday afternoon sometime. They didn't get a picture, dang it, but they did discribe him to me over the phone and it's the same farmer ghost man the other neighbors have seen.
Yeah I know it's too eairly for Halloween, but it seems it's all the time at the house.
Happy Ghosting Peeps!


Unknown said...

Madge, please send me an email from your email I keep trying to respond to your comments on my blog, but your email is blocked.

madge1967 said...

My e-mai Address is:
Melissa Madge Smith
I also left you a message on your e-mail tonight.